Thumb Studio

Image gallery, thumbnail, slide show and web photo album creator for everyone.


Thumb Studio is an easy to use image gallery, thumbnail, slideshow, web photo album creator, an image converter which allows the user(s) to create 3 different image sizes all at once, and can be used for different formats.

Thumb Studio not only contains several drafts but can also be customized. This allows the user(s) to integrate his/her own album or slideshow to go directly in his/her existing html page. All customizable features in the studio includes; image size, rows, columns, colors, fonts, spacing, width, and buttons. The Thumb Studio can also be used to add a visible watermark to the user(s) images. This watermark can obtain a can obtain a layer for true transparency that can be arranged or positioned to an attribution of size, opacity, and spacing.

Thumb Studio includes EXIF support that allows the user(s) to read information like blend aperture from his/her digital images, and also adds metatag information such as IPTC/JPEG that will allow comments for copyright notices and image descriptions. Thumb Studio allows an easy integration where the user(s) can define exactly what his/her gallery should look like, and also allows the user(s) to add links to his/her project types, but does not allow adding links to the JAVA slideshow.


  • Allows easy integration


  • Add links to JAVA slideshow
This program received 3 awards
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